How to Unhide Chat on FmWhatsapp? (Step By Step)

Learn to reveal hidden chats on FMWhatsApp easily and securely. Your guide to unhiding chats in seconds!
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Many of us use WhatsApp on our phones and computers for quick messaging. It’s trendy, with over 2 billion people using it monthly. You’re probably here because you use WhatsApp, too. You want to ensure your chats stay private regardless of who you talk to.

Fm Whatsapp works hard to protect your privacy, but sometimes, people might see your chats if you leave your phone where others can look. In this article, we’ll talk about a way to make your chats even more private using a ‘hide and unhide’ feature. Besides the usual archive option, we’ll show you how to keep your chats safe from curious eyes.

how to unhide chat on fmwhatsapp

Steps to hide and unhide chat via Archive:

FMWhatsApp APK has an ” Archive ” feature that lets you hide your chats. In this section, I’ll explain how to use this feature. WhatsApp’s archive feature enables you to hide chats you don’t want to see without deleting them. These chats are stored in a particular folder within the app where you can still find and read them when needed.

Steps to hide and unhide chat via Archive

Before the recent update, there was a problem with the feature. Hidden chats came back into the chat list when a new message arrived. But now, after the update, you have more control. You can choose whether a chat stays hidden or reappears when you get new messages. You can keep your private chats hidden from curious eyes for good.

Read: how to backup fmwhatsapp?

Hide chat:

  • To keep your WhatsApp chats hidden on your Android:
  • Open FMWhatsApp and go to Settings, then tap on “Chats.”
  • You’ll find an option called “Keep chats archived.” You can turn this option on or off by sliding the button next to it.

Unhide chat:

Alternatively, you can do this from the archive page. To get there, tap the three-line menu icon at the top of your chats page, and you’ll see the same option.

  • If you want your archived chats to stay hidden even when new messages arrive, tap the message that says, “These chats stay archived when new messages are received. Tap to change” to adjust this setting.

The archive feature lets you hide all your WhatsApp chats at once.

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Steps to hide and unhide chat on Android

Steps to hide and unhide chat on Android

Hide Chat:

Open the chat you want to hide.

Press and hold your finger on that chat until it’s selected.

Look for an icon that looks like a square with an arrow pointing downward, and tap it.

Unhide Chat:

To Unhide a Hidden WhatsApp Chat in FMWhatsapp:

Scroll down to the base of your chat list.

You’ll see an “Archived” section; tap on it.

Press and hold the chat you want to unhide.

Look for an icon that looks like a box with an upward-pointing arrow, and tap it.

This way, you can keep your chats organized and out of sight when you want them outside your main chat list.

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Steps to hide and unhide chat on iPhone 

You will learn here how to hide and unhide WhatsApp chats on an iPhone:

Steps to hide and unhide chat on iPhone

To Hide a Chat:

Go to the chat you want to hide.

Swipe to the left of the chat.

Tap the “Archive” option that appears.

To Unhide a Chat:

Access “Archived Chats” at the top or via the search bar.

Swipe to the left of the chat you want to reveal.

Tap the “Unarchive” option that appears.

Steps to hide and unhide chat without Archive

Now you will learn here steps to hide and unhide chat without Archive in FMwhatsapp:

To Hide a WhatsApp Chat:

Two other options are available if you want to use something other than WhatsApp’s built-in archive feature. FMWhatsApp has been around for a while and offers additional features that the official WhatsApp doesn’t have. For instance, you can hide and unhide chats with FMWhatsApp. Here’s how to hide a chat without deleting it using FMWhatsApp:

To Hide a Chat on Android with FMWhatsApp:

To Hide a Chat on Android with FMWhatsApp

1. Go to the chat you want to hide.

2. Press and hold your finger on the chat until it’s selected.

3. Click the icon with three horizontal lines at the top of your screen (like a hamburger).

4. From the menu that appears, select “Hide.”

5. The WhatsApp app will then ask you to create a pattern for security.

6. Once you’ve set the pattern, your chat will be safely hidden.

To Unhide a Chat on iPhone with FMWhatsApp:

1. Tap the WhatsApp text on the top left of your FMWhatsApp screen.

2. Enter your lock pattern for security.

3. Press your finger on the chat you want to unhide until it’s selected.

4. Choose “Mark Chat as Visible.”

These steps will help you keep your chats private using FMWhatsApp.

FMWhatsApp doesn’t offer a direct “unhide chat” button like other messaging apps. However, you can still make hidden chats visible again using the “archive” feature. Go to your chat list, scroll down to “Archived,” find the chat you want to unhide, press and hold it, and then select “unarchive.” It will bring the chat back to your main chat list so that you can see it again. Remember that FMWhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp, so that it might have different features and security than the official app. Be cautious when using such third-party mods.

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